- 「反本丸」の誕生: 彦根藩の家臣、花木伝右衛門が中国の薬学書「本草綱目」を参考に、牛肉の味噌漬けを考案し、「反本丸」と名付けました。
- 将軍家への献上: 彦根藩は、この「反本丸」を将軍家へ献上していました。滋養強壮の薬として珍重され、幕府や諸大名からも高い評価を得ていました。
- 「寒」の干牛肉: 彦根藩では、牛肉を乾燥させた「寒」の干牛肉も作られていました。一年で最も寒い時期に作られたこの牛肉は、薬用として食されていました。
The Hikone domain was a prominent fudai daimyo that played an important role in the Edo shogunate. It is known that the Hikone domain treated Omi beef as a medicinal product under the name “Hanbonmaru.”
The Birth of “Hanbonmaru”: A retainer of the Hikone domain, Hanaki Den’emon, devised a miso-marinated beef dish based on the Chinese pharmacological text “Bencao Gangmu” and named it “Hanbonmaru.”
Offerings to the Shogun’s Family: The Hikone domain presented this “Hanbonmaru” to the shogun’s family. It was highly valued as a health tonic and received great acclaim from the shogunate and other daimyo.
“Kan” Dried Beef: The Hikone domain also produced “Kan” dried beef, which was made by drying beef during the coldest time of the year. This beef was consumed for its medicinal properties.