In recent years, we have completely reviewed our inspection system and built the latest inspection lines. By introducing the latest metal detectors and X-ray inspection machines, we are now able to detect non-metallic objects such as cow bones, allowing us to provide products based on a high level of inspection that is unprecedented in the industry. We have a system in place.

Introduced automatic skin pack packaging machine. Skin pack is a packaging method that uses vacuum processing to maintain freshness and extend the expiration date. By introducing a high-speed slicer and automatic skin pack packaging machine, we reduce the number of processes that involve human hands and improve the quality of meat. We have established a system that allows us to provide you with higher quality products in a stress-free manner.

京都府下のこども食堂、児童養護施設へ約 12000食分の当店レトルト食品の寄付。
We donated approximately 12,000 meals of our retort food to children's cafeterias and children's homes in Kyoto Prefecture.
In addition, our company, Ryotaro Ohashi, conducts volunteer activities at public elementary schools in Shiga Prefecture as a regular activity every year, teaching classes on Omi beef, a specialty of the prefecture.

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Company Name | 商号大橋商事株式会社 | Ohashi Shoji Co.,ltd |
Trade Name | 屋号総本家 肉の大橋亭 | Sohonke Nikuno Ohashitei |
Head Office | 所在地京都市東山区松原通り大和大路西入る弓矢町11 番地 〒605-0817 ※地図 | 11 Yumiya-Cho, Nishiiri, Yamatooji, Matsubara-Dori, Higashiyama-Ku, KYOTO 605-0817 JAPAN ※MAP |
創業 Founding | 明治27年 | 1894 |
設立年月Established | 昭和4年 5 月 11 日 | 11th May 1929 |
資本金 Capital | 30,000,000 円 | 30 million JPY |
代表者名 Exective Staff | 代表取締役社長 大橋秀之 | Representative Director Hideyuki Ohashi |
代表取締役専務 大橋亮太郎 | Representative Managing Director Ryotaro Ohashi | |
電話番号 Tel.No. | (075)541-1186 | +81(075)541-1186 |
FAX番号 Fax No. | (075)541-0888 | +81(075)541-0888 |
取引銀行 | 京都銀行河原町支店 | The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd |
従業員人数 Number of employees | 30名 | 30 |
業務内容Business Content | 食肉卸・小売販売業、ギフト・地方発送 | Meat wholesale/retail sales, gifts:Domestic shipping |
取扱商品Productas Handled | 本近江牛、京都肉、全国銘柄和牛 もち豚、仔牛、マトン、チルドラム、輸入牛・豚肉、 (USA, オーストラリア, ニュージーランド, カナダ, デンマーク, 等) 内臓類各種、牛・豚味噌漬、近江牛フライ物、 にくやのおっさんのコロッケ、各種ギフト・イヴェント商品、 伊藤ハム特約加工品など | Omi beef, Kyoto meats, Various brands of Japanese Wagyu Beef, Mochi-buta Pork, Calves, Chilled Lamb, Imported Beef & Pork (USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark etc.) Various innards, Miso-Flavored Beef & Pork, Simmered meats, Nikuyano-Ossan Croquettes, Various Products for Gifts & Events, Ito Ham speciality products. |
特別指定Nominations | 京都市入札業者指定店 | Kyoto City Nominated Bidder Store |
Certification | 認証HACCP認証を取得JFS-B規格 | HACCP certification in accordance with the JFS-B standard |
販売資格Sales Certification | 陸上自衛隊各駐屯地指定店 京都市地域女性会指定店 (旧.ホテル枠輸入牛肉取扱指定店) (旧.畜産振興事業団輸入牛肉指定販売店) | 社団法人日本農林規格協会JAS 協力指定店Japanese Agricultural Standards Association, Certified Store Ground Self-Defense Forces Certified Store Kyoto City Liaison Council of Local Women’s Societies, Certified Store (forme「certified Store for hotel beef imports) (former certified Store for Livestock Industry Promotion Corporation beef imports) |
販売先軒数 No. of Sales | 中華料理50軒、和食割烹50軒、一般食堂100軒、 ステーキハウス 30 軒、 給食関連会社 15 社、消費者団体 15 団体 | ホテル30社、旅館50社、洋食レストラン100軒、30 hotel chains, 50 Japanese style inns: i 00 Western style restaurants, 50 Chinese restaurants, 50 Japanese style restaurants, 100 dining malls, 30 steak houses1 15 school lunch companies, and 15 consumer groups. |