“Many people may have heard the term ‘aged meat.’ In recent years, aged meat has been gaining popularity in high-end restaurants and specialty meat shops, but what exactly is it?
Aged meat refers to beef that has been aged for a certain period of time to concentrate its flavor and bring out a deeper taste. There are different aging methods, such as dry aging and wet aging, each producing distinct flavors.”
熟成肉が生まれるまで The process of creating aged meat.
Immediately after slaughter, beef is high in tenderness and juiciness, but it lacks flavor and aroma. After a while, rigor mortis sets in, causing the meat to become tough, and moisture decreases, leading to a reduction in juiciness. However, by storing the meat at low temperatures, it becomes tender and juicier, which also improves its taste and aroma. The process of properly storing meat at low temperatures to enhance its flavor is called ‘aging.’
For aged meat to be produced, it is essential for the enzymes in the beef to work, breaking down proteins into amino acids through a chemical change. This process enhances the flavor of the meat and makes it more tender. However, aging is a delicate task, and if temperature and humidity are not strictly controlled, the quality of the meat can deteriorate.
熟成されることで「うま味」成分が変化。The umami components change through aging.
When beef is aged, the umami component glutamic acid increases. Another umami component, inosinic acid, breaks down and decreases, but its breakdown product, hypoxanthine, increases, enhancing richness. Compared to loin meat, round meat is rich in both glutamic acid and inosinic acid.
For aged meat to be produced, the enzymes within the beef must work to break down proteins into amino acids, which is an essential chemical change. During this process, the flavor of the meat increases, and it becomes more tender. However, aging is a delicate process, and if temperature and humidity are not strictly controlled, the quality of the meat can deteriorate.
熟成肉のトリビア Trivia about aged meat
- 熟成肉の香り: 熟成が進むにつれて、チーズのような独特の香りが強くなります。これは、アミノ酸が複雑に変化し、様々な香りが生まれるためです。
- 熟成肉の見た目: 熟成が進むと、肉の表面が黒っぽくなり、見た目が変わります。これは、乾燥によって起こる自然な現象です。
- 熟成肉は生で食べてはいけない: 熟成肉は、表面に雑菌が付着している可能性があるため、必ず加熱して食べましょう。
・”Aroma of Aged Meat: As aging progresses, a unique aroma similar to cheese becomes stronger. This is due to the complex changes in amino acids, which create various scents.
・Appearance of Aged Meat: As aging continues, the surface of the meat darkens, changing its appearance. This is a natural phenomenon caused by drying.
・Aged Meat Should Not Be Eaten Raw: Aged meat may have bacteria on its surface, so it should always be cooked before consumption.”