和牛は、日本の気候風土の中で育まれた、日本原産の牛の総称です。 特定の品種を指す言葉ではなく、いくつかの品種の総称として用いられます。
Wagyu refers to a general term for cattle that have been nurtured in Japan’s climate and environment. It does not refer to a specific breed but is used as a collective term for several breeds.
Why is Wagyu not a breed name?
The cattle referred to as Wagyu mainly include the following four breeds and their hybrids:
- 黒毛和種: 黒い毛色で、霜降りが入りやすく、肉質が良いのが特徴です。一般的にイメージされる和牛の多くが黒毛和種です。
- 褐毛和種: 赤褐色の毛色で、黒毛和種に比べて肉質はやや硬めですが、独特の風味があります。
- 日本短角種: 体格が小柄で、角が短いのが特徴です。肉は赤身が多く、あっさりとした味が特徴です。
- 無角和種: 角のない品種で、肉質は黒毛和種に似ています。
Why is Wagyu not a breed name?
The cattle referred to as Wagyu mainly include the following four breeds and their hybrids:
- Kuroge Washu (Black-haired Wagyu): Characterized by its black coat, this breed is known for its tendency to have good marbling and high-quality meat. Most of the Wagyu that people commonly imagine are Kuroge Washu.
- Akaushi (Red-haired Wagyu): This breed has a reddish-brown coat and, compared to Kuroge Washu, tends to have slightly firmer meat but possesses a unique flavor.
- Nihon Tankaku (Japanese Shorthorn): This breed is characterized by its small stature and short horns. It has a higher proportion of lean meat and is known for its light flavor.
- Mukaku Washu (Polled Wagyu): This breed has no horns and its meat quality is similar to that of Kuroge Washu.
- 和牛: 日本の特定の品種の牛の総称
- 国産牛: 日本で生まれた、または日本で飼育された牛の総称
As such, Wagyu is not a single breed but a collective term for multiple breeds, which is why it cannot be considered a breed name.
Difference Between Wagyu and Domestic Beef
Wagyu is often compared to “Koku-san-gyu” (Domestic Beef). Domestic beef refers to cattle that were born in Japan or raised in Japan. Wagyu is a part of domestic beef, but not all domestic beef is Wagyu.
- Wagyu: A collective term for specific breeds of cattle in Japan.
- Domestic Beef: A collective term for cattle that were born or raised in Japan.