- 貴族の贅沢品: 中世のイギリスでは、牛肉は主に貴族階級の贅沢品でした。大規模な狩猟によって得られた鹿肉や野鳥が主流であり、牛肉は特別な日に食卓に上るものでした。
- 羊肉の時代: 16世紀以降、羊の飼育が盛んになり、羊肉が庶民の食卓に広がりました。これは、羊毛産業の発展と関連しており、羊は肉だけでなく毛皮や毛糸の原料としても重要だったからです。
- 牛肉の地位向上: 18世紀になると、牛肉の地位は徐々に高まり始めます。貴族の間では、日曜日にローストビーフを食べる習慣が定着し、牛肉は富と地位の象徴となりました。
- 都市化と食の変化: 19世紀の産業革命に伴い、都市化が進み、人々の食生活は大きく変化しました。都市部では、新鮮な肉を安定的に供給する必要が生じ、牛肉の需要が急増しました。
- 冷蔵技術の発展: 冷蔵技術の進歩により、遠隔地からの牛肉の輸送が可能になり、牛肉の供給が安定化しました。
- 牛肉の庶民化: 牛肉は、もはや貴族だけの贅沢品ではなく、庶民の食卓にも並ぶようになりました。パブや食堂では、ローストビーフやステーキなどの牛肉料理が提供され、国民食としての地位を確立しました。
- 第一次・第二次世界大戦: 両大戦中は、食料配給制が実施され、牛肉の供給が制限されました。
- 食の多様化: 戦後、食の多様化が進み、牛肉以外の肉や魚、野菜などの消費も増加しました。
- ローストビーフ: 日曜の昼食に家族で楽しむ伝統的な料理。
- ビーフウェルリントン: 牛肉をパイ生地で包んで焼き上げる、豪奢な料理。
- ビーフステーキ: 様々な部位の牛肉をステーキにして楽しむ。
- パブフード: パブでは、ビーフパイやビーフシチューなど、牛肉を使った料理が定番メニューとして提供されています。
The History of Beef in England
The history of beef in England is not just a culinary history; it is deeply intertwined with the social, cultural, and economic changes of the country.
From the Middle Ages to Modern Times: From Nobility to the Common People
Luxury for the Nobility: In medieval England, beef was primarily a luxury item for the aristocracy. Game meat, such as venison and wild birds, was more common, and beef was reserved for special occasions.
The Era of Lamb: From the 16th century onward, sheep farming became prevalent, and lamb began to appear on the tables of common people. This was related to the development of the wool industry, as sheep were important not only for meat but also for their wool and pelts.
Rising Status of Beef: By the 18th century, the status of beef began to rise gradually. Among the nobility, the tradition of eating roast beef on Sundays became established, and beef became a symbol of wealth and status.
The Industrial Revolution and the Spread of Beef
Urbanization and Changes in Diet: The industrial revolution in the 19th century led to urbanization, significantly changing people’s diets. In urban areas, there was a growing need for a stable supply of fresh meat, resulting in a sharp increase in the demand for beef.
Advancements in Refrigeration Technology: The progress in refrigeration technology made it possible to transport beef from distant locations, stabilizing its supply.
Democratization of Beef: Beef was no longer just a luxury for the aristocracy; it began to appear on the tables of common people as well. In pubs and dining halls, dishes like roast beef and steak became popular, establishing beef as a national dish.
Post-20th Century: The Light and Shadow of Beef
World Wars I and II: During both world wars, food rationing was implemented, and the supply of beef was restricted.
Diversification of Diet: After the wars, there was an increase in dietary diversity, with rising consumption of meats other than beef, as well as fish and vegetables.
Elements that Color England’s Beef Culture
- Roast Beef: A traditional dish enjoyed by families during Sunday lunch.
- Beef Wellington: An extravagant dish made by wrapping beef in pastry and baking it.
- Beef Steak: Enjoying various cuts of beef as steak.
- Pub Food: In pubs, dishes like beef pie and beef stew are standard menu items featuring beef.